Sejoli - Premium WordPress Membership Plugin

Sejoli is one of the top premium WordPress plugins in Southeast Asia, having sold over 9,000 licenses since its initial release in 2019. My role at Sejoli is as the Lead Developer and Co-founder, responsible for ensuring that Sejoli operates seamlessly and directing the development team to enhance the plugin in line with its goals.

Sejoli boasts the following features:

  1. 1.Membership Feature with Custom User Groups:
    This feature allows website owners to create custom user groups such as Gold, Silver, and Bronze. With these user groups, pricing and other benefits can be differentiated for users.
  2. Affiliate and Multi-tier Commission Feature:
    This feature enables users to earn commissions by bringing in buyers, either through distributed links or by using specially embedded affiliate discount coupons.
  3. Integration with Learning Management Systems (LMS):
    Sejoli is seamlessly integrated with popular LMS platforms like TutorLMS, LearnPress, and others, enhancing its functionality for educational purposes.
  4. Integration with Payment Gateways:
    Sejoli supports integration with various payment gateways, including Xendit, Duitku, Midtrans, and others, providing flexibility and convenience for users.
  5. Integration with WhatsApp Notifications:
    Sejoli is integrated with WhatsApp notifications, streamlining communication and enhancing user engagement through this widely-used messaging platform.

Responsibilities and Direction:

As the Lead Developer and Co-founder, I oversee the smooth functioning of Sejoli and guide the development team in aligning the plugin with its intended objectives.


Sejoli stands out as a premium WordPress plugin with a robust set of features catering to diverse needs, from custom user groups to affiliate marketing and seamless integrations with LMS and payment gateways. The plugin’s success, marked by over 9,000 licenses sold, underscores its popularity and effectiveness in the market.

Feel free to incorporate these details into your content, and let me know if there’s anything specific you’d like to add or modify!


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